Seminar Papers Pharmacy Presentations technical IEEE ppts topics Abstract on Voice Browsers
Abstract: Browser technology is changing very fast these days and we are moving from the visual paradigm to the voice paradigm. Voice browser is the technology to enter this paradigm. A voice browser is a “device which interprets a (voice) markup language and is capable of generating voice output and/or interpreting voice input, and possibly other input/output modalities.This paper describes the requirements for two forms of character-set grammar, as a matter of preference or implementation, one is more easily read by (most) humans, while the other is geared toward machine generation.
Abstract: Browser technology is changing very fast these days and we are moving from the visual paradigm to the voice paradigm. Voice browser is the technology to enter this paradigm. A voice browser is a “device which interprets a (voice) markup language and is capable of generating voice output and/or interpreting voice input, and possibly other input/output modalities.This paper describes the requirements for two forms of character-set grammar, as a matter of preference or implementation, one is more easily read by (most) humans, while the other is geared toward machine generation.
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