Automated Testing Of Embedded Systems Paper Presentation full - Paper Presentations e-Books free

Jun 19, 2012

Automated Testing Of Embedded Systems Paper Presentation full

Seminar Papers Presentations IEEE  topics abstract full on Automated Testing Of Embedded Systems (Seminar Paper Presentations)
Abstract: Embedded systems are part of crucial real-time applications and are widely used in complex, time crucial projects like rocket launching and nuclear power development projects. So whatever be the design complexity and sophistication, the designed systems should be put to use with utmost guaranteed performance unless which huge losses can incur.

Embedded system is simply a combination of hardware and software that performs the component of a larger system. An embedded system employs a combination of hardware & software (a “computational engine”) to perform a specific function; works in a reactive and time-constrained environment. A software component called as Real-Time Operating Systems makes the hardware counterpart work accordingly.

The more appropriate the automated testing strategy, the more powerful will be the system.

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