Paper Presentation on A Garbage Collector For the C Programming Language ( Paper Presentation ) Abstract: Garbage collection absolves the developer from tracking memory usage and knowing when to free memory. C is and has always been one of the most widely and popularly used programming languages in the world. We, as a part of our B.Tech Degree course have done a lot of programming in C and have always used the built in functions defined in the standard library like “malloc”, “calloc” etc. to allocate memory and when the allocated memory is not needed any more we use the built in function “free” to free up the allocated memory. What I have attempted to improve the functionality of the ‘C’ programming language by developing a library that supports garbage collection.
I was inspired by the presence of the GC features in JAVA and proceeded to develop one for C. So now, the ‘C’ programmer is relived of the task of keeping track of what memory locations are currently being referenced and what are not. If the programmer uses our library for allocating memory dynamically, we will make sure (conservatively) that the allocated memory is automatically freed (i.e.) garbage is collected when it is no longer referenced.
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