A Web-based Tool for Searching in Polyphonic Music full presentation paper journal ppt
Abstract: PROMS, a computer-music service under development at the University of Bonn, Germany, aims at designing and implementing Procedures for Music Search. This paper discusses an algorithm for searching a music pattern, e.g., a melody or a sequence of chords, in a large database of polyphonic music, given in a score-like format. Our algorithm is a variant of the now classic inverted index approach for text retrieval. A prototype is implemented and its performance investigated. Finally, we brie
y indicate how to extend this technique to a fuzzy search, to a search with up to k mismatches, and to transposition-invariant search. For demonstration, the PROMS system may be tested under the URL http://verdi.cs.uni-bonn.de/proms.
Key words: Digital Music Library, Music Retrieval, Fuzzy Search, Inverted File Index
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