Accurate Knowledge Evaluation by Deep Datamining in Telecommunication Engineering Studies - Paper Presentations e-Books free

Jul 4, 2016

Accurate Knowledge Evaluation by Deep Datamining in Telecommunication Engineering Studies

Accurate Knowledge Evaluation by Deep Datamining in Telecommunication Engineering Studies Abstract-This paper describes a novel approach for the evaluation of the alumni knowledge acquisition based on deep data-mining techniques. Cooperative learning and data-mining can be combined to foster the knowledge acquisition process of the students. This approach has been introduced in the subject ldquoAnaacutelisis de Sistemas Contiacutenuosrdquo in the second term of the first year of the Telecommunication Engineering Degree studies at the Escuela Politeacutecnica Superior de Gandia from the Universidad Politeacutecnica de Valencia (UPV), Spain. The evaluation method is based on laboratory lessons and seminars. The laboratory lessons include an on-line exam with a specific set of variables targeted for data-mining processing. Interactive groupal seminars are also introduced in the subject. In this case, the accurate knowledge of the skills acquired by individual students is evaluated by which decorrelation techniques on a large set of variables which are also processed in the data-mining.

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