Automatic Discovery of Personal Name Aliases from the Web full paper ppt ieee - Paper Presentations e-Books free

Jul 4, 2016

Automatic Discovery of Personal Name Aliases from the Web full paper ppt ieee

Automatic Discovery of Personal Name Aliases from the Web
Abstract: In this paper we proposed a lexical-pattern-based approach to extract aliases of a given name. We use a set of names and their aliases as training data to extract lexical patterns that describe numerous ways in which information related to aliases of a name is presented on the web. An individual is typically referred by numerous name aliases on the web. Accurate identification of aliases of a given person name is useful in various web related tasks such as information retrieval, sentiment analysis, personal name disambiguation, and relation extraction. We propose a method to extract aliases of a given personal name from the web. Given a personal name, the proposed method first extracts a set of candidate aliases. Second, we rank the extracted candidates according to the likelihood of a candidate being a correct alias of the given name. We evaluate the proposed method on three data sets: an English personal names data set, an English place names data set, and a Japanese personal names data set. The proposed method outperforms numerous baselines and previously proposed name alias extraction methods, achieving a statistically significant mean reciprocal rank (MRR) of 0.67. Keywords: Automated Discovery, Aliases, lexical patterns.

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